NEW Free Life Codes Prediction for You this July Read Your Personal Prediction Here This month is about new perspectives

What’s My Role?

What’s My Role?

How do you recognise what it is in life you’re SUPPOSED to do? You’ve tried many things. You’ve tried to please many people. But you’re still searching because you’ve not discovered your fit.

Audio Only Version of the Video Above:

The problem is our role in life is determined by your unconscious male life associated with security. The issue is you feel locked into a life based on what's safe rather than what inspires you. The solution is to know what the role is so you can choose your own path.

During this 30 minute session you will learn:

  • The Role You Were Given
  • Why You Reject Your Role
  • When to Give Up

​Please do your best to watch/listen to each part in order.

How do you recognise what it is in life you’re SUPPOSED to do?

You’ve tried many things.  You’ve tried to please many people. But you’re still  searching because you’ve not discovered your fit.

The question is:

Why is it so hard to KNOW what you’re supposed to do in life?

In this episode we are resolving:

What’s My Role?

You’ll discover:

  • The role you were given
  • Why you reject your role
  • When to give it up.

First you need to recognise what a role actually is.

A role is a mode of behaviour to which you are expected to adhere throughout your life.

A role in life is assigned because it’s born of habit.

Through the generations, the female role has been determined by the male line.  The rule is that you will comply, because males provide and females receive.

If males do not provide, they are judged.

If females do not want to receive what males provide, they are judged.

This judgement creates a cycle of containment – and this is NOT what you want as an ISP because

roles rob you of choice.

Role compliance isn’t for you.  You rebel.   You see ‘Truth’.   Truth is expression outside of a role.

Yet a role was assigned to you – perhaps that of a dutiful daughter or son.

‘Role entitlement’ means someone else feels entitled to ‘own’ you, because they believe they have that right. They demand certain treatment and behaviour because of a social role rather than any earned social respect.

Some parents, for instance, do what they want because they believe they have parental exemption from respecting boundaries or being considerate.  They may insist on you living out the role they feel entitled to assign you.

Why? Because they want you to behave as they wish you to.

And so you become in life the person you believe will meet their approval.

Why do you reject the role in life you’ve been given, when others comply?

You reject roles because inner development has opened your door to emotional maturity.

Emotionally mature people don’t assign roles. They have no interest in judgement or confinement. They are interested in exploration, in growth and in finding the best of who you are.

Emotionally immature people love a role because they can’t deal with complexity: they like simplicity.  If you fulfil a role, they don’t have to think. They can just fit themselves and those around them into the roles they understand:  assigning duty, obligation, enmeshment and  - if you don’t fit their criteria – guilt.

You resist roles because of your growing emotional maturity.  Emotionally immature people relate in terms of roles rather than individuality.   If you don’t fill your designated role they think something is wrong with you and that you need to change.

So, when do you give roles up?

You’ll find you’re already giving roles up but didn’t know it.

It’s the reason why you’re urgently trying to find where in life you’re SUPPOSED to be.

What you’re actually saying is, “I’m in a role that doesn’t fit with me; I need to get out.”

But you’ve been surrounded with people who tell you,  “What are you on about? Roles are great.   Roles make you feel safe.”

So how do you get out of roles you can’t stand anymore?

The key is to accept there is nothing wrong with you.

What I got sucked into for a long time was thinking I must be a dreadful person for wanting to escape my assigned role.

You end up feeling frustrated and soulless, trying to avoid upsetting anyone.

It doesn’t work because they can’t see YOU, only you in a role.

Staying in a role that doesn’t fit is not for your own good, no matter how much someone says it is.

So what are 3 little things you can do to feel confident in stepping out of roles?

  1. Accept stepping out of a role doesn’t involve persuading others it’s OK to do so. They genuinely cannot see, therefore you will never have their approval.
  2. Accept others will try to keep you the same compliant self. There is a transition point where you feel like an outcast from your old life but you haven’t yet found your new place.
  3. Be proud of the fact you’re moving into enhanced emotional maturity. The more you do so, the more quickly your life opens up.
Part 2:
Accompanying Meditation

My Own Path Meditation

Give the Soul Directed Relationships Meditation a go, even if you’ve never done meditation before – just follow the words.

Complete The Meditation Now
My Own Path Meditation
Part 2:
Accompanying Episode

My Own Path Meditation

How do you recognise what it is in life you’re SUPPOSED to do? You’ve tried many things. You’ve tried to please many people. But you’re still searching because you’ve not discovered your fit.

Watch The Episode Now
My Own Path Meditation
Part 3:
Are you ready to go deeper?

Get FREE Access Now To The

Orphan Archetype Workshop

When the Orphan energy is active, you wait for the rescue that never happened, you feel lost, don’t know where you fit in, you settle for less than you want and you desperately want to go ‘home’ but you don’t know where home is.

The Orphan energy chooses you to create the ultimate rescue, the connection to the self, beyond self-abandonment and into interdependence, the safe, secure world of true self-esteem and value.

Part 3:
Are you ready to go deeper?

Get FREE Access Now To The

Lover Archetype Workshop

When the Lover energy is active, your soul is at odds with your careful ego. You live a life switching between conquering fear, taking risks and the excitement of your consciousness expanding, followed by flopping back into the safety of what you know.

The Lover energy chooses you to connect with your personal source of power that’s not a climb for position or authority, not a power over another but real power - the power within.

Part 3:
Are you ready to go deeper?

Get FREE Access Now To The

King Archetype Workshop

When the King energy is active, your inner world is conflicted. Each time you step into your own rules, you hear the voice of the King’s shadow – the tyrant suggesting you are less than, how you’ll never live up to expectations and the weakling ‘prince’ who doesn’t protect your new path.

The solution is to step into the energy of the true King, the matured ‘male’ energy offering centred, confident direction from deep within. The unconscious pressure to ‘fit in’ evaporates as you step into your own leadership. .

Part 3:
Are you ready to go deeper?

Get FREE Access Now To The

Queen Archetype Workshop

You’ve looked around, decided what you like, made judgements and now you’re going out on your own. Does what you want match with others or should you just become what you think they want?

This stage is answered through the process of Creating Your Own Values, by using your Queen Energy.

Heidi Sawyer is an intuition expert whose online courses, mentorship programmes and events have helped 74,498 Intuitive-Sensitive People understand their sensitivity as their greatest asset. Heidi’s business has helped more than 5,000 Intuitive-Sensitives recover from emotional-trauma, understand their intuition as their very own super-power for managing difficult people, career enhancement and better relationships. Watch Philosopher's Journey webinar replay here.

Heidi’s book, Highly Intuitive People has been a consistent best-seller since 2015 providing Intuitive-Sensitive People with the map of their life path. Heidi’s business exists because she understands the loneliness of opening to your deep world, and strove to provide the service she wanted to receive. To learn more about Heidi Sawyer click here.
Love Your Life Show

What’s My Role?

How do you recognise what it is in life you’re SUPPOSED to do? You’ve tried many things. You’ve tried to please many people. But you’re still searching because you’ve not discovered your fit.

Audio Only Version of the Video Above:

The problem is our role in life is determined by your unconscious male life associated with security. The issue is you feel locked into a life based on what's safe rather than what inspires you. The solution is to know what the role is so you can choose your own path.

During this 30 minute session you will learn:

  • The Role You Were Given
  • Why You Reject Your Role
  • When to Give Up

​Please do your best to watch/listen to each part in order.

How do you recognise what it is in life you’re SUPPOSED to do?

You’ve tried many things.  You’ve tried to please many people. But you’re still  searching because you’ve not discovered your fit.

The question is:

Why is it so hard to KNOW what you’re supposed to do in life?

In this episode we are resolving:

What’s My Role?

You’ll discover:

  • The role you were given
  • Why you reject your role
  • When to give it up.

First you need to recognise what a role actually is.

A role is a mode of behaviour to which you are expected to adhere throughout your life.

A role in life is assigned because it’s born of habit.

Through the generations, the female role has been determined by the male line.  The rule is that you will comply, because males provide and females receive.

If males do not provide, they are judged.

If females do not want to receive what males provide, they are judged.

This judgement creates a cycle of containment – and this is NOT what you want as an ISP because

roles rob you of choice.

Role compliance isn’t for you.  You rebel.   You see ‘Truth’.   Truth is expression outside of a role.

Yet a role was assigned to you – perhaps that of a dutiful daughter or son.

‘Role entitlement’ means someone else feels entitled to ‘own’ you, because they believe they have that right. They demand certain treatment and behaviour because of a social role rather than any earned social respect.

Some parents, for instance, do what they want because they believe they have parental exemption from respecting boundaries or being considerate.  They may insist on you living out the role they feel entitled to assign you.

Why? Because they want you to behave as they wish you to.

And so you become in life the person you believe will meet their approval.

Why do you reject the role in life you’ve been given, when others comply?

You reject roles because inner development has opened your door to emotional maturity.

Emotionally mature people don’t assign roles. They have no interest in judgement or confinement. They are interested in exploration, in growth and in finding the best of who you are.

Emotionally immature people love a role because they can’t deal with complexity: they like simplicity.  If you fulfil a role, they don’t have to think. They can just fit themselves and those around them into the roles they understand:  assigning duty, obligation, enmeshment and  - if you don’t fit their criteria – guilt.

You resist roles because of your growing emotional maturity.  Emotionally immature people relate in terms of roles rather than individuality.   If you don’t fill your designated role they think something is wrong with you and that you need to change.

So, when do you give roles up?

You’ll find you’re already giving roles up but didn’t know it.

It’s the reason why you’re urgently trying to find where in life you’re SUPPOSED to be.

What you’re actually saying is, “I’m in a role that doesn’t fit with me; I need to get out.”

But you’ve been surrounded with people who tell you,  “What are you on about? Roles are great.   Roles make you feel safe.”

So how do you get out of roles you can’t stand anymore?

The key is to accept there is nothing wrong with you.

What I got sucked into for a long time was thinking I must be a dreadful person for wanting to escape my assigned role.

You end up feeling frustrated and soulless, trying to avoid upsetting anyone.

It doesn’t work because they can’t see YOU, only you in a role.

Staying in a role that doesn’t fit is not for your own good, no matter how much someone says it is.

So what are 3 little things you can do to feel confident in stepping out of roles?

  1. Accept stepping out of a role doesn’t involve persuading others it’s OK to do so. They genuinely cannot see, therefore you will never have their approval.
  2. Accept others will try to keep you the same compliant self. There is a transition point where you feel like an outcast from your old life but you haven’t yet found your new place.
  3. Be proud of the fact you’re moving into enhanced emotional maturity. The more you do so, the more quickly your life opens up.
Part 2:
Accompanying Meditation

My Own Path Meditation

Give the Soul Directed Relationships Meditation a go, even if you’ve never done meditation before – just follow the words.

Complete The Meditation Now
My Own Path Meditation
Part 2:
Accompanying Episode

My Own Path Meditation

How do you recognise what it is in life you’re SUPPOSED to do? You’ve tried many things. You’ve tried to please many people. But you’re still searching because you’ve not discovered your fit.

Watch The Episode Now
My Own Path Meditation
Part 3:
Are you ready to go deeper?

Get FREE Access Now To The

Orphan Archetype Workshop

When the Orphan energy is active, you wait for the rescue that never happened, you feel lost, don’t know where you fit in, you settle for less than you want and you desperately want to go ‘home’ but you don’t know where home is.

The Orphan energy chooses you to create the ultimate rescue, the connection to the self, beyond self-abandonment and into interdependence, the safe, secure world of true self-esteem and value.

Part 3:
Are you ready to go deeper?

Get FREE Access Now To The

Magician Archetype Workshop

When the Magician energy is active, you have the ability to transform reality. It’s as though a magnetic field draws you to experiences that match your inner reality.

The Magician energy chooses you to connect with your healing potential and give you access to the unconscious world of wonderment, charm and the deeply connected spiritual self.

Part 3:
Are you ready to go deeper?

Get FREE Access Now To The

Lover Archetype Workshop

When the Lover energy is active, your soul is at odds with your careful ego. You live a life switching between conquering fear, taking risks and the excitement of your consciousness expanding, followed by flopping back into the safety of what you know.

The Lover energy chooses you to connect with your personal source of power that’s not a climb for position or authority, not a power over another but real power - the power within.

Part 3:
Are you ready to go deeper?

Get FREE Access Now To The

King Archetype Workshop

When the King energy is active, your inner world is conflicted. Each time you step into your own rules, you hear the voice of the King’s shadow – the tyrant suggesting you are less than, how you’ll never live up to expectations and the weakling ‘prince’ who doesn’t protect your new path.

The solution is to step into the energy of the true King, the matured ‘male’ energy offering centred, confident direction from deep within. The unconscious pressure to ‘fit in’ evaporates as you step into your own leadership. .

Part 3:
Are you ready to go deeper?

Get FREE Access Now To The

Queen Archetype Workshop

You’ve looked around, decided what you like, made judgements and now you’re going out on your own. Does what you want match with others or should you just become what you think they want?

This stage is answered through the process of Creating Your Own Values, by using your Queen Energy.

Heidi Sawyer is an intuition expert whose online courses, mentorship programmes and events have helped 74,498 Intuitive-Sensitive People understand their sensitivity as their greatest asset. Heidi’s business has helped more than 5,000 Intuitive-Sensitives recover from emotional-trauma, understand their intuition as their very own super-power for managing difficult people, career enhancement and better relationships. Watch Philosopher's Journey webinar replay here.

Heidi’s book, Highly Intuitive People has been a consistent best-seller since 2015 providing Intuitive-Sensitive People with the map of their life path. Heidi’s business exists because she understands the loneliness of opening to your deep world, and strove to provide the service she wanted to receive. To learn more about Heidi Sawyer click here.
Love Your Life Show