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Life Codes are a powerful way to understand your life moving forward, relationship dynamics and soul progression. But how do they work?

Using a combination of numerology and the meaning of the Tree of Life, Heidi delivers free to your inbox every month your predictions for the times ahead. Not yet subscribed? Click this button to watch Heidi explain how these Life Codes readings work and then subscribe for free:

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Your October 2024 focus in your Life Codes
is About Endings Before New Beginnings

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Life Code #1/10

This month life settles down to an even pace. You might feel like things are plodding along rather than having any intensity, this is good for you as your adrenals spend a lot of time in high alert.

You’re clearer on your direction forward in life more so now than you’ve been for a very long time.

Keep focussed as it’s a case of details being finalised rather than any true hold-ups. Your life races ahead as a Life Code 2 so it’s great sometimes to feel as though things are going slower. It gives you a moment to take it all in.

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Life Code #2/11

You’re more grounded than usual this month.

You’ll feel life is heavier than usual but that’s due to the double ‘8’ of this month. You’ll feel better equipped to get on with things and life is less chaotic than it has been of late. Relationships this month are rooted in long-term connections, so anyone who is flaky in your life – it’s time for a break.

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Life Code #3

If you’ve been feeling dissatisfied with your life this month you’ll find that dissatisfaction reaches saturation point. Look inward for the changes rather than focus on the outer cause –you’ll then find the solution presents itself.

If old worries come up to haunt you this month, it’s not as a means of punishment, it’s to notice and release old fears of authority. You’re a strong, independent sort so if you’re thinking of going alone work wise then you’re starting to build your confidence towards that big move. You’ll find in the coming weeks; the right people pop into your life for you to ask the last few questions before getting things started.

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Life Code #4

As a Life Code 4 you have a generous nature with a quiet disposition. If you’re feeling charitable this month with your time and efforts you’ll find they are much appreciated. Sometimes people mistake you for shy, you’re just choosy with who you connect with. This month people will start to recognise the true nature of who you are, they’ll see the effort you make.

You’re of the ‘push’ vibration of action and productivity so even if your natural tendency is to hold back until you feel safe, you should perhaps risk more of yourself than you would do normally. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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Life Code #5

If you’ve been overdoing it of late, it’s time to put the brakes on and take stock. You might be overdoing bad habits that need moderation. Consider what it is you’re trying to prove and to whom. This will help you get your priorities straight and your demons out.

Now you’re in the territory of contemplating before major action which brings you into a new place of self-awareness. If you think you’re already self-aware then be prepared to enter a new level. Your emotions could blow wide open this month under the influence of the ‘9’ which leaves room for some heartfelt discussions.

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Life Code #6

Your extra sensory perceptions are on high alert this month. You could find yourself being the most perceptive you’ve ever been. You may find yourself viewing people in a different light, seeing them for who they really are rather than what they present. This could be a normally distant person showing you kindness.

This is a great time for you to sit down to plan what you want from life. Deciding what’s important to you will help alleviate any insecurity and build your confidence. Life is about to be about asking for what you want from the world. Start preparing to be clear on the subject.

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Life Code #7

Your foundations have been through a shake-up and stripped back to the core in recent times. Now it’s about your long-term progress and shaping a life built around strong self-esteem rather than anxiety.

Now you’ll start to see some strong structures forming as life gets back on track. You’ve been distracted for so long it has taken time for you to realise how to change things. Take the support offered to you by friends and colleagues, some you may not know well but are offering genuine kindness. These are the reflections of your own kindness finally coming back to you.

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Life Code #8

Frustrations have room this month for an airing. If you’ve been learning something new, then this month your confidence will make a huge breakthrough, you’ll be glad of the upheaval that helped to make the change.

You can be inclined to rake over the past and hold resentments. This month try a new approach to letting go. People are not always out to hurt you; the truth is we can only hurt ourselves by allowing others a level of impact. Make the decision this month to forgive yourself.

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Life Code #9

This is your month Life Code 9. You’re both tired and productive which sounds like a contradiction but something inside of you is excited whilst another part is completely exhausted. This is a month of reflection and solving the main frame of the balance between action and reaction. Try not to become riled by certain people and their interactions even if you want to be less than patient with your reply.

Life Code 9s work quietly, consistently and with a great deal of commitment towards end results that are important to them. This month you’re about to see some of those rich rewards.

>>> Get 2 FREE Affirmations Specific to you as a LC 9 to help you this month

Instantly Understand Yourself & Others

Life Codes are a powerful way to understand your life moving forward, relationship dynamics and soul progression.Using a combination of numerology and the meaning of the Tree of Life, Heidi delivers free to your inbox every month your predictions for the times ahead.

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