NEW Free Life Codes Prediction for You this July Read Your Personal Prediction Here This month is about new perspectives

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Life Codes are a powerful way to understand your life moving forward, relationship dynamics and soul progression. But how do they work?

Using a combination of numerology and the meaning of the Tree of Life, Heidi delivers free to your inbox every month your predictions for the times ahead. Not yet subscribed? Click this button to watch Heidi explain how these Life Codes readings work and then subscribe for free:

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Your July 2024 focus in your Life Codes is About New Perspectives

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Life Code #1/10

This month is about getting your head straight about what you want.

Often as a Life Code 1 you feel pulled in multiple directions, landing at the feet of whomever shouts the loudest. Now it’s about YOU deciding the middle ground. This month is influenced by the ‘6’ vibration, the soul’s code. It’s time for you to give yourself enough space to feel your soul’s true desire. This will show through quiet time and in dream time. Make notes so you don’t forget, the soul nudge is often the quietest voice within

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Life Code #2/11

What is a soul mate? This month it’s appropriate for you to determine the answer to that question.

You’ve been used in the past. This has left an imprint on your psyche that’s uncomfortable. During that time you’ve forgotten how to trust. This month it’s about figuring what a soul mate is. This starts with being your very own soul mate. Look to the qualities you’d like in other people and start directing them towards yourself. You’ll be amazed at the result

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Life Code #3

The last few months have been emotionally exhausting.

Now is the time for you to make two piles in your mind. One pile is for the things you’re ‘keeping’ the other is for the things that you’re attached to but must go. Life Code 3 is a very sentimental vibration, but once you’re done with something you’re done. It takes a while for you to get there so with the ‘must go but still attached pile’ start to look through it and work out what’s still so attractive. You’ll then have a deep insight into what energy you’re currently solving in your life

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Life Code #4

This month is about matching what you love with your soul purpose.

You are now entitled to take what’s important to you and make it into something that feels great. As a Life Code 4 you can be shy about what’s special to you. You look for ‘permission’ to have what you want from life.  Now you can begin to trust that what you want, what you love, is here to stay. You’ve done the work now accept the praise whether that’s from yourself or other people

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Life Code #5

You’re a driven hard worker who takes a while to get going but once you’re up and running you’re off.

This month you have a great opportunity to start putting life into action. You’ll feel more motivated as you have a clearer idea of where you want to be. Your mood is lighter than it has been for a while, you’ll feel more purposeful and engaged. You’ll also feel more confident than you usually do when asking for help. You usually back off from asking for things unless you must, this month your newfound boldness will get you a long way

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Life Code #6

This is your month this year as a Life Code 6.

You’re THE soul number at the best of times but this month that energy is intensified. If you’ve been thinking of teaching anything spiritual, metaphysical or within energy work, now is the time to get up and let yourself be seen. It’s time to go out and generate clients, talking to people, having more courage than you would normally. Act as though you’re already there and it will fall into place. Your ability to talk empathically to people means you have a natural authority. Use it well

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Life Code #7

Of late you may have felt totally exhausted.

Your emotions have felt mashed up and spat out. Now though it’s time to step back from the panic button. You have done your best, now it’s the case the Universe needs to catch up. You’ll start to see the new shoots from hard work you’ve participated in earlier, try not to dig them up. Things take time to grow, as a Life Code 7 though you are either desperately impatient or you wait to the last minute. Now though with the influence of the ‘6’ vibration as the year and month match together, you’ll find settling into a more rhythmic pattern isn’t so scary after all

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Life Code #8

Life Code 8 are methodical, they like things in life to be straightforward and really do not like any game playing.

If you’ve felt of recent times others have been playing with your emotions it’s time to consider how to cut them lose. It might not be something you can literally do, but mentally, you can keep your distance. Trying to make someone behave better by pacifying them is often an unfortunate invitation for a bullying mentality to continue. Not giving it your attention often hands the energy directly back. Bullying is a ‘gift’ you can hand back

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Life Code #9

This month your chest is puffed and you feel immensely satisfied with yourself.

You’re beginning to really make headway on projects you’re keen on as your confidence builds. You’re clearer now with what’s acceptable to you in all areas of your life. If you’re not convinced, then look back to see how far you’ve come. You’re a lot more focussed on boundaries whereas previously you may have come across as aggressively defensive. This may have simply been an unguarded passion for something that others have interpreted incorrectly. Now, your communication is much better, therefore you are on the brink of extraordinary results

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Life Codes are a powerful way to understand your life moving forward, relationship dynamics and soul progression.Using a combination of numerology and the meaning of the Tree of Life, Heidi delivers free to your inbox every month your predictions for the times ahead.

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