NEW Free Life Codes Prediction for You this July Read Your Personal Prediction Here This month is about new perspectives
Series 1

Beyond Self-Abandonment The Secret to Your True Self

Series 1

Beyond Self-Abandonment The Secret to Your True Self

Series 1

Beyond Self-Abandonment The Secret to Your True Self

Series 1

Beyond Self-Abandonment The Secret to Your True Self

Is It Me? How to Recognise Cold Relationships

Discover why you attract cold relationships and you’ll start to release yourself from feeling cold relationships with the deep process simulation meditation.

During this three-part session you will learn:

  • Early Signs the Relationship is Cold
  • Why People Are Cold
  • Steps to Stop Attracting Cold Relationship Dynamics

Even if you’re usually withdrawn and shy.

When you have watched the above video, you are then ready to complete the easy to do guided meditation.

Releasing Cold Relationships Meditation

Listen Now

Secure vs Insecure Feelings

The problem is opportunities pass over you. The issue is insecure feelings leave you unsure of yourself. The solution is to reveal the unconscious world to instantly access support, comfort and protection.

During this 30 minute session you will learn:

  • How to Recognise Insecure Feelings
  • How to Recognise Secure Feelings
  • Why You Should Never "Just Get Over It"

​Please do your best to watch/listen to each part in order.

When you have watched the above video, you are then ready to complete the easy to do guided meditation.

What You Really Feel Meditation

Listen Now

When You Think You’re Better Off Alone

The problem is emotionally immature people ruin trust. The issue is this leaves you nervous of other people's moods, your confidence sapped. It doesn't have to be like this.

During this 30 minute session you will learn:

  • Alone Patterns
  • Who Chases People Out
  • Accepting Love

​Please do your best to watch/listen to each part in order.

When you have watched the above video, you are then ready to complete the easy to do guided meditation.

Soul Directed Relationships Meditation

Listen Now

Will It Last? How to Trust Happiness

The problem is you're suspicious of happiness. The issue is this leaves you numb and cynical, even though you're a positive person. It doesn't have to be like this.

During this 30 minute session you will learn:

  • The Real Reason Things Fall Apart
  • How To Trust Happiness
  • How To Recognise What's Built to Last

​Please do your best to watch/listen to each part in order.

When you have watched the above video, you are then ready to complete the easy to do guided meditation.

Allowing Happiness To Last

Listen Now

FREE Upgrade To Access

The Orphan Archetype

The Orphan Archetype

Dissolving the Belief: In Life You’re on Your Own

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it”. — Rumi. Trouble is when all you’ve experienced is love cannot be trusted, how do you let anyone in?

When the Orphan energy is active, you wait for the rescue that never happened, you feel lost, don’t know where you fit in, you settle for less than you want and you desperately want to go ‘home’ but you don’t know where home is.

The Orphan energy chooses you to create the ultimate rescue, the connection to the self, beyond self-abandonment and into interdependence, the safe, secure world of true self-esteem and value.

This On-Demand workshop will give you instant access to the patterns of the Orphan archetype so you can spot how it operates and see the expression it’s offering you – rather than fall into the ‘pit’ of the assumption you’re unsupported in this world and the only safe space is alone. You’ll start to experience the transcendence of the self, all achieved through the wizardry of the unconscious.

During this FREE Workshop you will receive a Series of 4 In-Depth Videos where you will learn:

  • How To 10 x Your Life Dreams
  • The Secret to True Self-Reliance
  • Where your Real 'Home' Is

An insightful Exercise: Discovering Your Healing Fantasy Exercise

A Powerful Deep Process Meditation: Dissolving The Orphan Archetype’s Healing Fantasy Meditation

Watch Video 1 of the VIP Workshop