1/10 - The Body The Ultimate

Life lesson for Life Code 1/10: learning to manage the spiritual with the physical to achieve a life of harmony

  • UPSIDE: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Spiritual, strong willed, organiser, leader, well balanced, ambitious

  • SHADOW: Overbearing, stubborn, opinionated, egotistic

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2/11 - The Father

Life lesson for Life Code 2: harmonious relationships.

  • UPSIDE: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Cooperative, ideal partner, peace maker, charming, creative, independent

  • SHADOW: Moody, indecisive, susceptible

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3 - The Mother

Life lesson for Life Code 3: feeling comfortable in your own skin.

  • UPSIDE: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Bubbly, entertaining, friendly, easy learner, enthusiastic, good lover

  • SHADOW: Smotherer, obsessive, analytical

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4 - Abundance

Life lesson for Life Code 4: Learning Heart-felt expression.

  • UPSIDE: Planner, thinker, logical, calm, stable, patient, tolerant, dependable

  • SHADOW: Picky, obstinate, envious

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5 - Spiritual

Life lesson for Life Code 5: transforming self doubt into self confidence.

  • UPSIDE: Witty, humorous, captivating, go-getter, achiever, perfectionist

  • SHADOW: Self doubting, temperamental, inconsistent

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6 - The Soul

Life lesson for Life Code 6: achieving the authentic self. Once achieved, helping others with confidence to do the same.

  • UPSIDE: Educator, catalyst, achiever, progressive, selfless, bright, altruistic, charming

  • SHADOW: Highty, weddler, over protective

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7 - The Emotions

Life lesson for Life Code 7: follow your heart's desire with passion once you've found it.

  • UPSIDE: Passionate, romantic, poetic, knowledgeable, understanding, appreciative, emotional

  • SHADOW: Self-deprecating, unsure, over delicate

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8 - The Intellect

Life lesson for Life Code 8: enjoy the fruits of life and appreciate all that you have. Refrain from believing the 'grass is always greener on the other side'.

  • UPSIDE: Intuitive, kind, prosperous, perceptive, resourceful, realist

  • SHADOW: tendencies to panic, worrier, forgetful, trivial, controlling

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9 - The Subconscious

Life lesson for Life Code 9: emastery of emotions to achieve stillness of the mind & inner focus. Once achieved, a Life Code 9 can achieve anything they set their mind to.

  • UPSIDE: Sensitive, understanding, good partner, perceptive

  • SHADOW: Subservient, uncertain, dissatisfied, forager, acquiescent, frustrated

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